I’m so grateful to have been able to share in the collective energy that transpired last Friday! It was pure magic, the women, the vibe and the entire experience was one I will never forget. Such a powerful experience to have been able to take part in.
This was the first time I have ever booked a 300 seat theatre for an event. I wanted to put myself in alignment with my hearts dream of filling that space one day. So half way through our event I asked the women to look behind them, I wanted them to feel how special it was that they said yes to this initial activation. I also wanted them to envision themselves as the stewards of this information and work. And my intention is to share it with every woman I meet so that she can transform her energy.
When they become activated a light turns on inside of them. They see their own potential, impact and possibility which creates a ripple effect of HIGH VIBE ENERGY. It shifts everyone around them and that is some really big shit. The women who attend these events are at the forefront of this powerful movement. I know they got it and felt exactly what I was talking about when I asked them to look at the empty seats. I can feel that every time we do one of these Elevate Your Life Events no matter where it is, it has no choice but to grow.
So today I celebrate the brave 30 who attended this inaugural event and look forward to planning the next!