Unveiling Your Cosmic Brand: A Guide to the Authenticity Audit
Unveiling Your Cosmic Brand: A Guide to the Authenticity AuditThe universe whispers: "Be the authentically you." In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, this message holds particular weight. For cosmic creators, establishing a brand that resonates with your soul is key ...

Proximity To Power
There's something magical that happens when you're in the energy of someone who's in their personal power. Not driven by their ego but truly in their power. Owning what it feels like to be in that power. Living their life ...

You’re The Brand
For the longest time I struggled to get behind my brand. To speak to you directly from my heart, from my perspective and from the experiences that have shaped the woman I’ve become. I was always a little leery of ...

The Weekly FreQ March 15 -21st
Learn everything you need to know about human design HEREwww.TaraKinden.com/Human-DesignGet your chart, take my course or get a reading! HD will change your life.Still don’t have your chart? Go to www.GeneticMatrix.com or www.MyBodyGraph.com and grab your own chart for free now ...

The Weekly FreQ March 8-14
Learn everything you need to know about human design HEREwww.TaraKinden.com/Human-DesignGet your chart, take my course or get a reading! HD will change your life.Still don't have your chart? Go to www.GeneticMatrix.com or www.MyBodyGraph.com and grab your own chart for free now ...

The Weekly FreQ March 1-7
Learn everything you need to know about human design HEREwww.TaraKinden.com/Human-DesignGet your chart, take my course or get a reading! HD will change your life. Welcome Gorgeous, to this weeks edition of The Weekly FreQ {March 1st - 7th}Use this energy ...

Boiling Communications
Today (Wednesday March 3rd, 2021) Mercury is in The Gate 37 - Peace, a reminder to be extremely wise about how we're using our energy to communicate our needs. The Moon is also in Scorpio which can make our tongues ...

Inner Lioness
Setting Your Inner Lioness Free Today the Moon is in Leo and Mercury is in the Gate 30 - Passion. It's the perfect day to shine, explore what you deeply desire and hold onto that vision until it shows up! ...

Weekly FreQ Feb 22-28
Welcome to this weeks ~ The Weekly FreQThis is the place to be for the Human Design energy forecast for the week ahead. Use this overview to help you navigate which gates, centres and channels will be illuminated as the ...

Weekly FreQ Feb 15-21
The Weekly FreQ For the week of February 15th - 21stThe Sun is in Gate 30 - Passion until the 19th then moves into the Gate 55 - Faith. So we will find ourselves playing between these two juicy energies this ...

Embracing Your Creativity
But Tara, I’m not a creative person! My client proclaims. I hear myself saying no sis I promise, you’re more creative than your ready to admit. But as the words leave my lips I realize most of my clients and ...

Becoming You
Welcome back sister! Don't you feel like there's a fresh new energy brewing out in the world. September always feels like that to me. Like there are new possibilities new potentials, a clean slate. The energy of September is very ...

Rest = Worthiness
For the last two months I’ve been in the most delicious creative cocoon and it’s been absolutely liberating! No social media, no calls, literally so few texts and emails people wanted to make sure I was still alive. (which felt ...

Your Quantum Leap
What is a Quantum Leap and how could it be the best thing you ever gift yourself. Quantum Leap Definition: an abrupt transition of a system described by quantum mechanics from one of its discrete states to another, as the ...

A Note From Your Genius
A Note From Your Genius. I wrote this for you today, March 20. 2020 at 12:22pm. No idea what that means but I’m paying close attention to digits and numbers these days. When I’m called to write, sing or create ...

Covid 19 Panic Week
The Week Covid-19 Panic Hit Canada Hard.This last week was a wild ride to say the least! Like many others I found myself getting caught up in the chaos, becoming glued to every terrifying update as the fear was spreading ...

The Breakthrough We’re all looking for the magic pill, the quick fix, that one thing that moves the needle forward and catapults us into our dream lives. Where the hell is that short cut button anyways? It seems to me ...

Setting Boundaries
WHY SETTING BOUNDARIES CAN BE AWKWARD 🙈 When we decide it’s time to set healthy boundaries, expect it's going to be uncomfortable for those we are setting them for and for ourselves. Which can be unsettling. Especially if putting limits around ...

Who Do You Need To Become?
WHO DO YOU NEED TO BECOME? Life is short. We’ve heard this time and time again. Yet we all feel like we have a ton of it to spare especially at the beginning of a new year. It’s almost like ...

Holiday Hangover
The Holiday Hangover Feels just as wicked as it sounds. Kinda like you’ve been on a wild bender for a week straight. The buying, wrapping, managing emotions, parties and spending time doing things we don’t always love but it’s what ...

Closing Out 2019
BEFORE YOU PUT YOUR FEET UP 🎄 And close out your year I wanted to share this idea with you on Vulnerability because it's also the message of my latest podcast episode. https://anchor.fm/…/Episode-17-The-Power-of-Vulnerability-e… But what does VULNERABILITY mean? According to ...

How Valuable Are You?
Do you value your time, energy and brilliance. When you get a compliment do you say “Thank You” or deflect the attention away with something like oh it was no big deal, it was nothing, never mind and then you ...

Why Not You
Why Not YOU? What loop are you running right now? That one telling you, you’re not good enough. You can’t do this. Who are you to do this? You’re a FRAUD! People like you don’t get to do BIG stuff, ...

perfection = pressure
UNDER PRESSURE Are you…Circling the drain.Constantly feeling like you’re drowning.Trying to be all things to all people, all the damn time?And about this close to explosion or losing your marbles on someone else?You’re not ALONE.Let’s open up the valve, the conversation ...

When to Expand
You know that moment when you feel crushed by the weight of it all.Like you know it’s time to get out but you just can’t seem to budge? That’s when you know it’s time to move on.It’s not always a ...

Morning Cacao Drink
Morning Cacao Magic Before drinking this magic mix, make sure to drink a full glass of water to rehydrate your brain from the night.There is nothing like a little spark up in the morning to get you going!This is my ...

Navigating the Stretch Phase
Navigating the stretch phase can be tough. That phase in your life when you are becoming more than you’ve ever been before. It feels like that awkward phase when you start a new job. You’re a little clumsy and nothing ...

Veggie Egg Puffs
Quick & Easy Recipe! I absolutely love creating simple new breakfast bites and these little babies are amazing. The perfect size for everyone in your family. Great for on the go and meal prepping for the week because let's face ...

Where are you in Resistance?
https://tarakinden.com/energy-upgrade-program/You’re feeling stuck, blocked and frustrated.You’ve been called to show up more radiantly, more boldly than ever before but you don’t know where to start.There’s been something you’ve been avoiding.Something that’s seemed so insignificant until, right now.You’ve realized you need ...

Take the Pressure Off
We aren’t meant to be in ACTION all the damn time! By action I refer to the feelings and emotions that drive us to perform. That worn out programming that we need to keep things running “PERFECTLY” at all times or ...

Elevate Your Life – Success
I'm so grateful to have been able to share in the collective energy that transpired last Friday! It was pure magic, the women, the vibe and the entire experience was one I will never forget. Such a powerful experience to ...

Your Self Worth equals Your Net Worth
🔥🚨 HOT TOPIC PODCAST ALERT 🚨🔥 I'm dropping this weeks Podcast in a hot second. And I cannot wait to discuss all the topics on deck. One of which is 👇🏻 Your SELF WORTH = Your NET WORTH 💸 I ...

DON'T QUIT If you quit on yourself sis, you'll be beating yourself up harder a month down the road than you are right now. Doing the THING. Ain't easy. And it's never PERFECT. But changing + transforming is the way ...

MOMFLUENCERS ✨You know who you are.Your the GLUE.The ones who hold it all together.Pro plate spinners, gate keepers and wizards of all things coming and going in your homes.When you are wiped out.So is your posse.When you are upset, angry ...

My Journey
How to Goal Crush. Here’s my secret…(JUST START) 10 months has just flown by like nothing, literally I blinked and it was over. I set some seriously ambitious goals, again! What I mean is that all 3 of my big ...

Cedar Cleansing Bath
When I'm in need of a spiritual tune up or more clarity around my purpose I make myself this wonderful cleansing bath with some of the branches from my cedars at my home. I find this to be a simple ...

Know Thy Self
Most of us have forgotten who we are or what we actually like. We've spent so much time striving to achieve.We've lost sight of what it truly means to be us.Embracing our SPIRITS.We've been so caught up in all the ...

Mindset Shift
I generally don't post these kind of before and after pictures because I've always been to self conscious to post them. But I've committed to being completely transparent on this journey and it was time. I have been secretly taking ...

Banana Pancakes
This breakfast banana pancake is an absolute favourite in our household and so easy to make!It's usually our Friday morning date breakfast and he will usually eat about 8 of them. We also add blueberries and don't use syrup he ...

What is Radiance?
What does it mean to be Radiant?For me I believe that radiance comes from within us. It's something you discipline yourself to experience as a by product of the daily actions you take towards your happiness. Committing yourself to taking ...

Body Fuel – Glucose or Fat?
Body Fuel - Fat or Glucose? What is the Difference?One of the most important things we can do for our bodies is fuel it with foods that fill us up and keep us running all day long at our most ...

Transformation Takes Commitment
Let’s talk all things TRANSFORMATION.I can’t even count the number of times I’ve quit on my own health journey.Starting and stopping.Seeing NO visible results, getting frustrated and going back to old habits.These pictures are 80 days apart. The one of ...

And then this happened…
So I may have overshot my personal growth just a little.I honestly thought I was dealing with all the emotions that were coming up, not feeling stressed, eating right, getting in all the movement.And I've been feeling great. STRONGER.But Monday ...

Just 1 Year
What a difference ONE year can make. I mean if I’m being honest it’s only been a couple of months of dedicated commitment to myself. No more bullshit excuses. No more emotional eating. No more quitting on myself when things ...

Is it your time?
There will always be those who don’t get it. They don’t understand your journey. They judge and criticize your every move, every post & EVERY action. Don’t stop creating, don't stop sharing your light and do not slow down. Not ...

At the Heart of it all
I’m overwhelmed with GRATITUDE. For all of you who have sent messages, texts, comments and calls. You see it isn’t really about the weight. It’s the emotional healing thats been happening. And I want to share with you all the ...

When you have babies 💗 Takes practice. Takes time. Takes commitment. I found myself putting my spiritual practice on hold because I couldn't seem to find the time. For me. Which left me feeling disconnected, unfocused and not sure what ...

Said no SANE Mother ever. The struggle is real. Everyday all day. Some moments are perfect and an easy glide right into the following moment. And then the next. All HELL breaks lose! You set off the FIRE alarm making ...

It's sneaky thing that Mama guilt and when it rears its ugly head it can knock any tough mama off her game. So how can we STAND steady? We all want what is best for our babies and for our ...

Do you cringe when you hear another mama talk about how hard the whole balancing act of motherhood and entrepreneurship is? I do. Because the messages we women have been programmed to receive is that you have to choose one ...

I see you. Those tired eyes that scream I haven’t slept in days. That blank stare at the grocery store checkout line. I know you. That you once were this badass woman taking on the world! And you wonder... how ...

To the new mama who feels like she’s underwater. Sleep deprived and feeling guilty because she knows in her heart this is just a stage, her little babe wont stay this small for long but she desperately wants to make ...

You’re cracking my heart wide open daily, inspiring me to share, be BOLD and keep living full out this adventurous life. Everyday I watch you sharing your hearts, speaking your truths and I’m obsessed, with all of it. It’s what ...

Always needing to be the best at everything. And yet. It was never enough. I would take course after course, do the training, the mentoring and years of study. Here’s what I’ve come to realize. And this is. HUGE. I’ve ...

The Perfect Bump…
I'm not sure if anyone else can relate to this topic but it is completely lady centred and mainly for my prego or soon to be prego friends. I notice more and more as my bump grows people are naturally ...

40 and Pregnant!
So here's the funny thing I never actually thought this was going to be a possibility for me. To have the opportunity to create a little human with my hubby is an honour and we are so excited. It was ...

Road Trip Magic
All road trips are pure magic. The slow side trips, long winding road trips, the planned and unplanned adventures. They all lead us into places, people and ideas we could have never imagined for ourselves. This is not luck, this ...

Places of Inspiration
I don't know about you but I never realize that I need rest until I'm cutting it very close to my edge. I absolutely love being part of all the action that life has to offer and am continually surrounded by ...

Harness the power of September
September always brings a resurgence of new energy back into our lives. Maybe its the kids going back to school and the ending of our summer that creates a sense of urgency to get back on track, back into a ...