Why Not YOU?
What loop are you running right now?
That one telling you, you’re not good enough.
You can’t do this.
Who are you to do this?
You’re a FRAUD!
People like you don’t get to do BIG stuff, like this.
I ask you to ponder this question… “WHY NOT YOU?”
Who are you NOT to do this thing?
What if the world needs you to step up right now.
So that you can create something brand new, do something differently than anyone else in your family has ever done and be that woman who believed without a doubt she was meant for more!
Don’t let this old worn out loop take you down.
Not now.
Not ever.
Because you are here to express, create, explore and break the loop.
Break the cycle.
Break the pattern of not being good enough.
Please repeat after me “WHO AM I NOT TO DO THIS”
Repeat this often, until it becomes the new loop.
If your intuition is calling you to do something more bold then you have ever done before.
Follow that nudge.
Make the next best choice.
And trust.
Have the faith in yourself and your abilities, that you will be able to figure it out. That you will get the next step when you’re ready.
Remember you don’t always need to see the entire map, just the next turn.
You were designed for this.