Do you value your time, energy and brilliance.
When you get a compliment do you say “Thank You” or deflect the attention away with something like oh it was no big deal, it was nothing, never mind and then you move on.
As fast as possible.
What if I told you that by not owning your radiance you are undermining your value.
And that every time you deflect a compliment you are chipping away at your own WORTH.
I don’t think that anyone of us would intentionally undervalue ourselves.
But we’ve all done it.
And if we’re being honest here, most of us don’t even register it when it happens.
But it does happen and it happens all the damn time.
I’ve been known to fall prey to it myself.
So I ask you this question.
Why do so many smart, creative and radiant women shy away from owning their worth.
Is it because our definition of self worth is non existent?
Or is it that old worn out programming we still believe to be true?
Maybe we’ve been under valuing ourselves because we’re running the loop of “nice girls” don’t make a scene about doing something great.
Because no one wants to look like an ego maniac, too confident or like a bit*ch.
Am I right?
Better yet no one wants to get “too big for their britches” and might I ask what the hell are britches anyways?
All laughter aside.
I think it’s critical we all start paying closer attention to owning feeling really proud of our contributions.
That we begin to redefine what Self Worth actually means, to us!
And that we own our radiance for all it IS.
And that we speak up when we have done a good job.
So here’s to YOU and all the great work you’ve been up to.
Own your WORTH today sis.