What a difference ONE year can make.
I mean if I’m being honest it’s only been a couple of months of dedicated commitment to myself.
No more bullshit excuses.
No more emotional eating.
No more quitting on myself when things get tough.
Because I want to live my best life and I want to be completely transparent with you throughout the journey.
Not when it’s all done. But right now while I’m in the process of becoming the best version of myself.
I want you to be around when I get stuck and potentially start sabotaging my progress.
Because that’s an OLD pattern for me.
Getting too close to success or really making a huge impact. Then it begins, that whole ugly derailment process. Where I start making bad choices, start a fight, or stir up some drama so that quitting can be easier.
Because that’s someone else’s fault to right!!!(ummm no 🙄) totally my responsibility.
But I tell you what. I have this renewed sense of commitment to me and the big plans I have. I also am taking the responsibility of those who are joining me on this journey very seriously.
We don’t know how long we have here on this earth. And I’m done screwing around with my time.
I’m transforming absolutely everything. My body, my family life, my business & my relationships.
And to sabotage is say- NOPE not this time!