What does it mean to be Radiant?
For me I believe that radiance comes from within us. It’s something you discipline yourself to experience as a by product of the daily actions you take towards your happiness. Committing yourself to taking the best care of your Health (mental/physical/emotional), Wealth and Relationships so that you can feel radiant + happy.
Radiance isn’t a destination or an end point it’s a state of being.
Like the waves on the Ocean we can bare witness to the ebbs and flow of life and choose radiance in times of challenge. You always have the choice in how you respond to whats happening in your life. Sometimes things are easy and in flow when other times we feel frustrated or stuck. That’s where choice comes in. How you respond to these experiences + people is completely up to you. You are solely responsible for your Radiance and no one can take it away from you unless YOU allow that to happen.
So come from a place of LOVE let your Radiance shine, choose to find your flow and happiness.
Share yourself, your gifts, your talents with the world. If you choose not to share your radiance with the world it will die with you and the world will have missed out on the greatness you possess.
Choose to detox your life, your body, your home, your relationships of what no longer serves you so that you can feel the state of being Radiant.
This will be my greatest gift to you.