Life is short.
We’ve heard this time and time again.
Yet we all feel like we have a ton of it to spare especially at the beginning of a new year.
It’s almost like we pretend that the clock got rewound on new years, when in actuality it didn’t and we know we’ve got even less time than we had before.
We all know what we need to do.
To lose the weight, change our finances, become successful, start a business but we struggle to step forward and do what is required to make those changes.
We’re afraid. Afraid to fail. Afraid to succeed. Afraid of….(insert your fear here)
So we:
Buy the courses and say it did work.
We hire the trainer and say they didn’t work.
Hire the coach, read the books, watch videos and still say it didn’t work.
We’re on the hunt for the next best thing because the last best thing didn’t work.
Am I right!?
But we’re still desperate.
For the next best solution.
The next best answer.
The magic pill.
When we all know that the TRUTH is.
WE need to become a better version of ourselves by doing the work required.
It’s that simple.
So when you’re making your glorious list of big, hairy and audacious goals for this year.
Commit to do the work.
Every day.
Not just when the mood strikes or when you’ve read some post that lights a fire under your ass to get going.
Do the work and let it stick.
You don’t need to commit to anything major daily.
Honestly it’s the smallest incremental right choices that create the most massive impact.
And for the love of all things holy.
Please choose to honour your WORD and your WORTH.
Because you CAN do this, you were designed to get what you want.
But it comes at a cost and that cost is your personal growth, it’s uncomfortable and even awkward at times.
It’s the pain of being consistent stretches most of us beyond what we are use to.
Being patient, waiting to see the results, staying in it long enough to reap the rewards and enjoy the harvest.
That’s the hard work.
But there’s a freedom that comes from valuing yourself to stay in it when it’s boring and hard.
Every time you stay in it by honour your word.
You put a deposit into your worth tank and that will stop you from accepting less than you deserve.
Because you’re worth more than that sis.
Next time you walk by your mirror. Stop and stare into your eyes for a moment and ask yourself this question:
Than trust you can become her by choosing to honour where you are at today and just start.