A Note From Your Genius.
I wrote this for you today, March 20. 2020 at 12:22pm. No idea what that means but I’m paying close attention to digits and numbers these days.
When I’m called to write, sing or create I do it and for some reason, I’m noticing the digits and rainbows (like everywhere). Which I have a feeling it’s a reminder to myself to know that spirit is helping support all of us right now.
So, what I was urged to write to you today is a reminder that now more than ever before the world needs you to unwrap and truly embrace your gifts.
Do you know what your unique genius is?
It’s that part of you that’s been craving some serious self expression, have you been listening?
If you have you’ve likely felt an undercurrent of wanting to release something, say something or physically do something.
Since everything around has felt completely out of alignment and no longer balanced anywhere in this world. I get the feeling that it is the time for us to create, to express, to figure out who we are at our core.
With this forced quiet we are all experiencing it could be the perfect time to unwrap your gifts and start using them to feel aligned with your heart’s desires.
You have something uniquely brilliant to share with the world and my question to you is – have you met your genius yet?
Most of us haven’t. The challenge is that we’ve forgotten what makes us unique or we’ve never taken the time or created the space to allow it to reveal itself.
There’s no better time for that than right now.
We’re all trapped, isolated and forced to go in. So let’s go inside ourselves.
If we can’t figure out how to express ourselves in ways that are authentic, free and provide us with a richness in our lives. We will continue to suffer, feel angry, depressed, frustrated or even bitter.
Which are lower frequency vibrations and not vibrations that are designed to attract what you actually want.
So take this time to get to know you, nurture yourself, be silly, be creative. The harder things become the more we will need to lean on our genius to see us through.
Our genius can help us create a new way of being and doing life. Ask yourself:
What makes you feel rich?
What makes you feel loved?
Are you able to trust in what’s possible for you?
Do you trust in yourself and your ability to create something new?
Are you able to see this time we have right now as a time to reset your life and change what isn’t working?
Because as you already know and have felt that things will never be the same way they once were.
We will never be the same.
The transformation has already begun. Life has shifted. We have shifted.
What if this is your opportunity for a clean slate? A time to start over and live a life that feels more aligned, more joyful.
What would living in your genius look like for you?
Journal, dream and create whatever you are called to create.
Be gentle and kind to yourself as you are loving your way through this transformation.
I’m here for you!
Rooting for you!
Praying for you!
For me and for the rest of the world.
We’ve got this.
We can do this.
We were designed for this.