Said no SANE Mother ever.
The struggle is real. Everyday all day. Some moments are perfect and an easy glide right into the following moment.
And then the next.
All HELL breaks lose! You set off the FIRE alarm making the morning toast, then you slip in DOG shit and finally sit down to sip your COFFEE only to realize the damn cream’s expired.
This can’t be real life.
Ohhhh but it is my love and you CHOOSE it, all of it. And truth be told as CRAZY as some days are you totally LOVE it.
Days like this keep you on your toes.
Force you to navigate the impossible and stay “relatively” calm in the storm.
For you are BRAVE.
Resilient and you are a BADASS MAMA!!!
Welcome to the club.
Or should I say the NEW Village.
Are you following me on insta? if not Mama I’d love to see you there http://bit.ly/2LoDpKj
📷: @warriorsofthedivine