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Welcome Gorgeous, to this weeks edition of The Weekly FreQ {March 8th – 14th}
Use this energy forecast as a powerful tool in your wellness toolbox to better navigate the energetic vibes for the week ahead.
Raise Your Frequency to Feel Good!
The Sun starts us off in Gate 22 – Surrender, use this energy to remind yourself that you are fully supported by the universal flow of abundance and use it to pursue your passion and your unique contribution to the world no matter what. Trust you’ll be giving everything you need in order to make your mark on the world! Then on the 13th (Saturday) moves into Gate 36 – Exploration, use this energy to hold a vision and sustain it with an aligned frequency of emotional energy to bring the vision into form when the timing is right. Ensuring we’re stretching the boundaries of the story of humanity by breaking patterns. So that we can create miracles through our emotional alignment.
The Earth starts out in Gate 47 – Mindset, Encouraging us to focus our attention (thoughts) on what’s hopeful & inspiring no matter what’s going on around us. To use all our juicy inspiration as a catalyst for calibrating emotional frequency and the heart. Remember where are attention goes our energy flows. When we can transform our energy we attract everything that’s right, true and correct for us. As of the 13th (Saturday) The Earth moves into Gate 6 – Impact, well here we go! Can you challenge yourself to maintain a high frequency of emotional energy that supports equitability, sustainability and peace? Using your emotional alignment to influence other and to serve as an energetic beacon of peace and sufficiency! Hell YES. Let’s do this.
Mercury that little hunk of a planet is in Gate 49 – The Catalyst, so are you ready to really hold your value with the words you are speaking. This is really critical this week because as you decide to hold a value that supports your value. You have the ability to inspire others to make expansive changes that embrace higher principles and a deeper alignment with peace and sustainability. Will you align with a higher value this week? Knowing you are a precious and valuable woman. On the 12th (Friday) Mercury will move into Gate 30 – Passion, by now you’ve had the week to align with your higher value! So when Friday hits we’re going to have the ability to respond to committing to the right thing for us with passion and gusto. This is the energy to sustain a dream, intention and a vision until you bring it into form. The ability to inspire others with the power of your dream. To inspire passion in others through your communication this week. Tell people about your dreams **only if you’re ready to share.
Venus our gorgeous goddess starts of the week in Gate 63 – Curiosity, allowing yourself to play in the space of curiosity. Using questioning as a way to stimulate your dreams of new possibilities and potentials (what if??) Call in any and all thoughts that inspire questions of what needs to happen to make an idea reality! Then on the 11th (Thursday) she moves into Gate 22 – Surrender, this energy is here to remind us that we’re fully supported by the universal flow of abundance and use it to pursue your passion and your unique contribution to the world no matter what. Trust you’ll be giving everything you need in order to make your mark on the world! Catch this wave of energy and ride it like a queen for all it can be. Don’t get crushed by it. Mantra “jump into the flow”
Mars our man of action is in Gate 20 – Patience, so you can imagine how this energy is going to feel. A little like we’re trying to run under water! This gate illuminated encourages us to trust in our intuition, to know what needs to be set in place, what people need to be gathered, what skills need to be mastered and to be ready when the time is right. To trust in the right timing and to heed the intuition to get ready. So no trying to force anything this week, relax into all the things you want to do and trust that when you get the intuitive hit to move something forward it’s go time. Until then do the details.
Jupiter starts out in The Gate 13 – Narrative, so it’s still a time to expand on the story we’ve been re framing about who we believe ourselves to be. Who are you becoming? And what is the story you want the world to know about who you actually are? Remember Jupiter is the planet of expansion and blessings. So the gift we can give ourselves here is the release of an old story about who we’ve been that no longer serves who we’re becoming. On the 11th (Thursday) Jupiter moves into Gate 49 – The Catalyst, oh the blessings and expansion that can come to us in this energy around our value & worth! There is no better time to really stand for your precious value as a human being on this planet. Stake your claim and make your mark. Ask for what you need and then allow yourself to receive all the blessings that are headed your way because you understand your value.
Saturn is in The Gate 19 – Attunement, Saturn is the big boss, this year so many planets are reporting to him. Which is slowing things down for us, not a bad thing but something for us to use as we’re deciding what structures we want to move forward. Use your ability to sense the emotional needs of others and your community and know how to bring the emotional energy back into alignment with sufficiency and sustainability. This gate gifts us the opportunity to become emotionally vulnerable and present to increase our heart to heart connections.
Neptune is in Gate 22 – Surrender, use this energy to remind yourself that you are fully supported by the universal flow of abundance and use it to pursue your passion and your unique contribution to the world no matter what. Trust you’ll be giving everything you need in order to make your mark on the world!
Pluto is in Gate 61 – Wonder, can you see purpose in the bigger perspective? Are you able to get the birds eye view, flying up and becoming more expansive. Get out of the details and the how by reconnecting to the child like innocence and a new found confidence in yourself as a way of sustaining your power to create? Pluto is urging us to transcend our limiting visions.
All language is Quantum Human Design™ courtesy of Karen Curry Parker.